Sri Bungo, Resilient SAD Women Cadre

Sri Bungo, a 21 year old woman, is one of the female cadres from the Anak Dalam Tribe (SAD) community, Dwi Karya Bakti Village, Pelepat District, Bungo Regency, Jambi Province. As the only daughter in her family, Sri Bungo grew up with the love of her three brothers. His family's livelihood is hunting and gardening, although it does not produce large profits, but fulfills daily living needs.

Everything changed when his father died of illness. Sri Bungo decided to marry in 2020 based on his family's choice. Seeing marriage as a way to lighten the burden on his mother after his father left. However, the marriage ended after one year due to differences of opinion and other problems. Sri Bungo, who is still young, has to live as a single parent to Reno, the child from her marriage.

Sri Bungo's story reflects the reality of many women in the Suku Anak Dalam (SAD) community. Where they are unable to oppose the tradition or culture of early marriage. For them, marrying off girls after puberty is not taboo, and girls have no right to oppose such marriages.

Even though she now lives without a husband, Sri Bungo has the strength and determination to prove that she is strong enough to face life. After the divorce, Sri Bungo returned to live with her biological mother and was active in women's group activities in her community. They look for forest products to meet their daily needs.

Income from forest products such as jernang, areca nut, jengkol, kabau, or fruit is divided equally. The proceeds provide a simple living for the Sri Bungo family. Apart from that, he is also involved in the Mina Hasop Eluk business and coordinating the production of smoked fish when there are orders. All this was done independently, showing his resilience in overcoming life's challenges.

Pundi Sumatra, in collaboration with Jambi University, carried out cadre building efforts in the community, and Sri Bungo was one of the cadres that emerged. His leadership became increasingly visible with his election as chairman of the special posyandu "Aoh Berghsih," which was an initiative of the Jambi University and Pundi Sumatra Matching Fund Team.

This special Posyandu is an innovative step by adding two tables, namely a Traditional Medicine Table and a Consultation Table, filled by cadres from the SAD group. Sri Bungo carries out its responsibilities with high enthusiasm, does not feel forced, and wants to help residents and provide health education, especially for children.

Even though it is difficult for Sri Bungo's feet to walk far from home, his enthusiasm and dedication to fighting for his community is very encouraging. With her involvement in various activities, Sri Bungo is a real example of a strong woman who is able to survive and make a positive contribution to her community.

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