Pundi Sumatra Holds Public Campaign to Commemorate IWD 2024

Coinciding with the commemoration of International Women's Day 2024, Pundi Sumatra is holding a Public Campaign in car Free Day Bungo City on Sunday, March 3 2024.

This campaign presents a real reflection of efforts to advance women in various aspects of life. With the theme "Investing in Women: Accelerating Progress", this action is not just a celebration. But it is also a call to evaluate and increase women's participation in society.

The collaboration held between Pundi Sumatra and the PEKKA Foundation (Empowerment of Women Headed of Families) carries a strong message. About the importance of support for women's empowerment programs. Dewi Yunita, CEO of Pundi Sumatra, explained that this collaboration was a concrete effort to gain support. Also community acceptance of the empowerment efforts that have been carried out. This reflects the spirit of cooperation and awareness of the need for joint support in creating positive change.

The commemoration of International Women's Day itself has deep meaning, considering its long history in the struggle for gender equality. Where this momentum is in the world's spotlight to fight for women's rights.

Public campaign actions carried out in car Free Day not only is it a forum for promoting Pundi Sumatra. But also as a means to convey the role and involvement of the Anak Dalam Tribe (SAD) women in various aspects of empowerment. Dewi emphasized that through this action, they wanted to emphasize that gender equality is no longer just an issue. But it is a necessity that must be fully supported.

Apart from being a promotional tool, the public campaign is also an opportunity to introduce products made by women in the SAD community who are accompanied by Pundi Sumatra. These products, from woven crafts to processed smoked fish, not only show the skills and creativity of SAD women. But it is also a symbol of the economic potential that can be generated through women's empowerment.

Not only focusing on product promotion, but the public campaign also invites community participation to voice their support for the SAD community. Through banners containing the hopes and dreams of SAD women, visitors are given the opportunity to participate in providing moral support for these women.

Positive response from the community, especially participants car Free Day, shows that awareness of the important role of women in the nation's progress is growing. Support and appreciation for the efforts of Pundi Sumatra and PEKKA in advancing women, not only as individuals, but also as an empowered and independent group, is a shared hope to achieve better progress for all women in Bungo and Indonesia in general.

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