Handing over the Child's Identity Card by the Head of the Bungo Dukcapil Service

Open and fulfilled access to basic services is the right of citizens without exception. Together with the Population and Civil Registration Service, Pundi Sumatra handed over KIA to the Suku Anak Dalam Community (SAD) in Dwi Karya Bakti Village, Pelepat District, Bungo Regency. The Child Identity Card (KIA) is an official proof of identity for children under 17 years old which is valid like the Population Identity Card (KTP) for adults in general.

Toto Toharuddin as Head of Disdukcapil in his speech said about the importance of KIA and other population administration.

"KIA Iko Samo with KTP for children approaching the age of 17 years, must be taken care of, if anything happens, immediately ask for help from the Pundi Sumatra facilitator who currently lives with the father and mother in Siko," he said.

In the activity, Disdukcapil did not only hand over 39 KIAs, but also handed over 2 KKs and 20 Birth Certificates to SAD. In general, KIAs are also needed for school registration, proof of identity when opening savings or saving at a bank, proof of BPJS registration, and others.

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