Workshop Training for the Anak Dalam Tribe in Pematang Jumat Village

Two-wheeled vehicles have become common transportation owned and driven by the Anak Dalam Tribe (SAD) in their daily lives. These vehicles are usually used for hunting activities or to gardens which are located quite far from residential locations. For hunting activities, sometimes they not only travel across districts in Jambi Province, but also to Dharmasraya Regency, the border of West Sumatra Province.

So far, most of the local children only know how to ride two wheels, without knowing how to maintain or repair them when the vehicle is damaged. If the motorbike is damaged or doesn't start, they usually go to a repair shop around the village for repairs.

Seeing this situation, Pundi Sumatra, with the support of the ESTUNGKARA Program, on 17-18 May 2023 initiated workshop training for 10 SAD cadres in Rombong Juray, Pematang, Kematang, Limbur Tembesi District, Kec. Bathin VIII District. Sarolangun to equip cadres with basic automotive knowledge.

This training itself was held in collaboration with SMKN 10 Rejosari, Merangin district, which has an automotive department and has a workshop with fairly complete equipment facilities.

The basic training provided by the teaching team for 2 days was about the practice of cleaning the carburetor, air filter, spark plugs, measuring the amount of engine oil and changing the oil, including the practice of cleaning and adjusting the brakes, and adjusting the chain.

The participants participated enthusiastically in the training, and it was their personal vehicles that became the object of workshop training practice. The training took place from morning to evening, with 2 teachers who were resource persons for the activities.

Not satisfied with the basic training material, 6 out of 10 SAD cadres who participated as participants, expressed their desire to deepen the material on disassembling and disassembling motorbike engines. So on 21-22 July 2023 further training was held, which discussed specifically two important methods in vehicle repair, namely the carburetor and injection.

Negan as one of the participant representatives expressed his pleasure and appreciation for SMKN 10 Merangin who was willing to provide knowledge during the training activities. Negan hopes that the new skills acquired will open up job opportunities and make a positive contribution to the Anak Dalam tribal community in the future.

"We are very happy to have knowledge of motorbike repair, so if it breaks down we can repair it ourselves and don't need to spend money to go to a repair shop. "Thankfully, tomorrow there will be supplies and supplies, maybe we can open a workshop business, Bang!," he said to Arif, the field facilitator for the Pematang Jurumat Sarolangun area.

Despite being the only person with a disability who took part as a participant, Negan was very enthusiastic and he participated in the 2 training series with great enthusiasm. Mr. Bagas, Head of Automotive at SMKN 10 Rejosari Merangin, also expressed his pride in the participation of the Anak Dalam tribe in this workshop training. With this collaboration, the school hopes to contribute further to efforts to empower indigenous communities in the area.

The school also opens up the widest possible opportunities if there are Anak Dalam Tribe children who wish to study at the upper secondary level at SMKN 10, where the school is committed to providing free facilities to SAD children who are interested.

"We are very grateful for the cooperation that Pundi Sumatra has offered. It feels very good to be able to share knowledge with our SAD brothers and sisters and we are ready to provide further material if needed. This is the first experience for SMKN 10 to be a teacher in workshop training activities for SAD residents. "Hopefully they can use and utilize the knowledge they have gained," said Bagas, closing the training event.

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