Pulang Pisau, May 22, 2024 – In an effort to achieve inclusivity, it is important to meet certain indicators, including encouraging policy makers to provide inclusive services for women and marginalized communities. These services include the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS), BPJS Kesehatan, population services such as Family Cards (KK) and Child Identity Cards (KIA), as well as various other government programs aimed at women, young people, and people with disabilities.
The Betang Borneo Indonesia Foundation held a meeting with the Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, Population Control, and Family Planning Service (DP3AP2KB) of Pulang Pisau Regency to build stronger collaboration.
Ms. Rina, Head of Women and Children Empowerment (P3A), explained that one of the strategic initiatives carried out under the coordination of DP3AP2KB is the Women and Children Friendly Village (DRPA) program. This program aims to create a supportive environment for women and children, and prioritizes the protection of their rights.
This meeting resulted in an agreement to form an Inclusion Working Group (Pokja) as an effort to integrate government programs. With the existence of Pokja Inclusion, it is hoped that cross-sector coordination can be improved to avoid overlapping programs, as well as accelerate the achievement of desired targets.
Some concrete steps agreed upon in this meeting were the formation of an Inclusion Working Group with representatives from each related agency and scheduling regular meetings to further discuss plans to form a Working Group and discuss emerging issues.
Mrs. Rina plans to convey the results of this discussion to the Head of the DP3AP2KB Office of Pulang Pisau Regency and will arrange a schedule for a follow-up meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for June 5, 2024, with an agenda for further discussion regarding the structure and function of the Inclusion Working Group, as well as specific programs to be implemented.
In the future, the agenda will continue to focus efforts to encourage the implementation of the Inclusion Working Group in Pulang Pisau Regency, as well as expanding communication networks with related agencies.