Discussion of the Draft Cooperation Contract between KWPS Lantern Merah Abadi and BuMDES Belimbing Mandiri

A discussion on the draft cooperation contract between KWPS Lantern Merah Abadi and BUMDES Belimbing was held on Tuesday, July 18 2023, at the Belimbing Village Office. This activity was attended by 15 people who were the Head of Belimbing Village, Chairman of BUMDES, members of BUMDES, Chairman of BPD Belimbing Village, Secretary of Belimbing Village, Head of Government Section, as well as a team of experts from the Village Community Empowerment Service.

This meeting aims to discuss the draft cooperation between BUMDES Belimbing and KWPS Lantern Merah Abadi. The meeting was opened by Mr. Endang, Chairman of BUMDES, followed by remarks by Mr. Maskota, Head of Belimbing Village. In his speech, he said that this collaboration was important with the aim of eradicating mobile banks and loan sharks that were prevalent in Belimbing Village. This is because the impact of mobile banks and loan sharks is very diverse, such as getting into debt and divorce in the household, and many then selling assets, so this situation is very disturbing for residents.

In this discussion, the discussion participants asked the consultant team from the Village Community Empowerment Service to study it more deeply so that this collaboration could be approved. The event then continued with the presentation of KWPS Red Lantern and PPSW Jakarta. Mrs. Cien Fie, Chair of KWPS explained the early history of the formation of this women's cooperative.

"KWPS Lantern Merah was formed on August 7 2022, the development of the cooperative until June 2023 consists of 90 women and 2 women with disabilities with assets of IDR 83,917,500," he explained.

The event then closed with a presentation of the BUMDES cooperation draft with WPS Lantern Merah Abadi, represented by PPSW Jakarta, which is the implementing partner of the Estungkara program.

Writer :

Suryathmi point