Inspirational Program Planning Workshop for the Benteng Chinese Minority Group

PPSW held an inspirational program planning workshop which was held on Wednesday 22 February 2023 at the Horison Ultima Hotel Bekasi. This activity was attended by 10 people consisting of 8 women and 2 men. This workshop aims to understand the program framework for the entire PPSW Jakarta team as program implementers in preparing plans and strategies for program implementation in the field, as well as compiling materials and materials for all activities to be implemented.

This workshop was opened by the Co-Director of PPSW Jakarta. In his statement he explained that the aim of the activity was to support the planning of the organizing program for the Chinese Benteng residents and provide an understanding of the program framework for the entire PPSW Jakarta team as program implementers. This workshop also discusses materials and mentoring materials, training and campaign activities for 12 months.

This program is a continuation of the previous INSPIRATIVE – ESTUNGKARA program which focused on social inclusion issues. This workshop was facilitated by Mr. Dr. Ahmad Hermanto, S.ST.MM.

The long term of the INSPIRATIVE program is to encourage the Benteng Chinese community to receive recognition and facilitate basic rights services to create a just and inclusive society. The recognition referred to is that the Benteng Chinese community is recognized for its existence by the state, society and is recognized and receives equal treatment so that it is involved in community activities, such as PKK, posyandu, and local government and gets easy basic rights services, such as KTP, KK, birth certificate, etc. .

"Apart from that, Chinese Benteng women can be involved in planning musrenbang and decision making," said Iqbal as INSPIRATIVE Program Manager.

One of the efforts that will be encouraged through this program is developing China Benteng women's micro-enterprises that are digitally based and democratic economic institutions (cooperatives) and have a GEDSI perspective. The difference between the cooperative in Cina Benteng and other cooperatives assisted by PPSW Jakarta is that the cooperative was formed to become a pillar of inclusion by strengthening women's leadership, as well as facilitating members and residents to have a legal identity, becoming the first cooperative movement in the Cina Benteng Community.

Writer :

Iqbal Yusti Ekoputro