Increase Workshop Capacity for the SAD Community

On May 17 2023, workshop training was carried out for Child Tribe Cadres in Pematang Jurumat Village, Limbur Tembesi – Sarolangun Subdistrict. The activity was carried out in the Workshop Building at SMK N 10 Merangin which is located in Rejosari Village, about 30 minutes from the SAD Rombong Juray settlement.

This training activity, which was attended by 10 SAD cadres, was filled with material regarding basic automotive knowledge, namely the practice of cleaning the carburetor, the practice of cleaning the air filter, the practice of cleaning spark plugs, the practice of checking and changing engine oil, the practice of cleaning and adjusting brakes, and the practice of setting chain.

This type of workshop training is carried out as a result of an assessment with the community, as an effort to provide new skills that they can use to independently maintain the 2-wheeled vehicles that they generally own. Further training for the same participants, will be carried out in June 2023, including learning material on how to disassemble a motorbike engine.

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