Two weeks have passed, to be precise July 3-4 2023, since the Training "Use of Yard Land for Horticultural Plants" (read: held, the Women Farmers Group (KWT) of SIMpur village carried out RTL activities independently without being accompanied by YBBI.
While recalling the material obtained during the training, KWT Simpur Village tried to make planting containers and compost independently following the tutorial that the group representatives had recorded during the training.
Making planting media and compost through the use of local resources is still carried out by KWT on one land. This was the result of a group agreement, because making planting media and compost for each group member's house yard was not possible, because some of the group members' house yards were flooded due to quite high rainfall.
An interesting thing was that when the RTL activity was carried out, one of the group members expressed his hopes, laced with jokes.
"Next year, hopefully we will no longer be buyers of food (horticulture) but sellers of food," said one group member in the discussion.