Agrarian Reform as a Social Ecological Justice Solution

A civil society coalition consisting of a number of organizations and communities is holding the Tenurial Conference for the third time. The conference will be held on 16-17 October 2023 at the Gelora Bung Karno Multipurpose Building, Jakarta. This conference aims to encourage the implementation of agrarian reform and the management of Natural Resources (SDA) to realize social and ecological justice.

This activity began with regional discussions in 7 regions of Indonesia in September. Discusses a number of agrarian crises throughout Indonesia to serve as a reference in preparing a national consensus document at the 2023 Tenurial Conference.

This conference began with a safety ritual and smooth running of the event led by the indigenous community from Kasepuhan Cikarang. Followed by reporting the results of the Regional Conference from the regions of Java, Bali, Nusa, Papua, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Sumatra, Maluku and the Small Islands. Also, presenting several sources representing movements, academics, religious organizations, cultural figures and the younger generation in discussing social-ecological agrarian-SDA justice.

“The 2023 Tenure Conference is very important. Because the accumulation of agrarian problems and natural damage that amputates people's basic rights is increasingly occurring on a national scale. "This multidimensional crisis requires responsiveness, attitudes and collective action from the civil society coalition network for tenure justice and other people's movements," said Dewi Kartika, Chair Steering committee at the opening of the 2023 Tenurial Conference.

In his presentation, Dwi Kartika stated that this conference was strategically important for building national consensus. For the ideals of social-ecological justice through true agrarian reform and equitable management of natural resources. Future consensus is expected to become a strategic agenda, offer, as well as pressure for solutions from cross-sector civil society movements.

The Agrarian Reform Consortium (KPA) recorded 2,710 agrarian conflicts in Indonesia during the two periods of Joko Widodo's administration. Some are dominated by plantation concessions. Meanwhile, 72% of natural resource conflicts were caused by private companies and 13% occurred in National Strategic Projects (PSN).

“The land ownership inequality index has reached the peak of large inequality. Where 1% entrepreneurs and financiers control 68% land wealth assets. In the palm oil plantation sector alone, approximately 25 company groups and conglomerates dominate land control of 16.3 million hectares. Then, claim a forest area of 30.7 hectares controlled by 500 companies. "Meanwhile, the mining business reaches 37 hectares throughout Indonesia," he added.

Apart from land and natural resources which are only seen as economic goods, the 2023 Tenurial Conference also highlights the many agrarian threats that still exist. Such as the proliferation of agrarian-natural resources corruption practices by the state and the neglect of the principles of Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion (GEDSI).

It is hoped that this conference will become a forum for the consolidation of cross-sector civil society movements. Such as farmers, workers, indigenous communities, fishermen, urban poor communities and CSOs outside the tenure coalition. A total of 750 participants attended from Sabang to Merauke. 37.2% of whom are women, who are also members of traditional communities.

As one of the members of the tenure coalition, the Executive Director of KEMITRAAN, Laode Muhammad Syarif, during the media gatherings holding the Tenurial Conference states that the government needs to fulfill its promise to protect vulnerable groups, one of which is by passing the Indigenous Peoples Bill (RUU). Ratification of this bill is also one of the things emphasized at this Tenurial Conference.

The various panel discussions in this conference were, first, Tenurial in Authority, Special Region and Special Autonomy areas. Second, women, the younger generation, marginalized and vulnerable groups in the multidimensional Agrarian-SDA crisis. Third, Tenure of fishermen's fishing areas, customary areas and community living areas on the coast and small islands.

Fourth, political and policy obstacles in achieving food sovereignty. Fifth, labor conditions in the extractive industry sector (mining, plantations, forestry, etc.). Sixth, the position of civil society on the issues of climate change, energy transition and carbon trading. Seventh, Reform in recognition of various Agrarian-SDA rights and wealth. Eighth, protection and fulfillment of human rights for environmental, agrarian and indigenous peoples.
Ninth, the influence of global politics on the dynamics of national Agrarian-SDA policies. Tenth, Reflection and learning from the people's victory for the formation of implementing institutions for True Agrarian Reform and natural resource management.

"In our village there is no room for women to speak, if women speak then the fathers will disagree. The forest is our place to talk, as a source of life, but our forest is being cut down. So that indigenous women unite to fight for their forests, because forests support children. "The government has not responded to this problem at all," said Mama Marice, Chair of the Women's Management of AMAN Tobati, Jayapura.

On the same panel, Hasnia, the Sumbawa Coastal Women's Community, also said that women's burdens are not only domestic. But also in the public sphere they are considered to have an obligation to support their husbands in earning additional income. This results in women not being involved in a wide range of areas, and not being actively involved in gender issues. Therefore, it is important to carry out critical education as the main capital so that women are not exploited and to build awareness.

There are four results of the 2023 National Consensus of the 2023 Tenurial Conference. First, straightening and correcting paradigms, policies, practices of agrarian reform and processing of natural resources. As well as other regulations that are counter to social-ecological justice, as well as recommendations for drafting an Agrarian Bill and accelerating the ratification of the Indigenous Peoples Bill. Second, carry out institutional reforms to ensure the realization of agrarian reform and fair management of natural resources. Third, accelerate and develop state recognition of the diversity of forms of control of agrarian natural resources, both on land, coasts and small islands. Fourth, ensure the protection, respect and fulfillment of human rights for indigenous peoples, farmers, fishermen and women who are struggling.

It is hoped that these four recommendations will encourage the government to create a mechanism that is fair and inclusive for all levels of society.

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