Pundi Sumatra Holds Tree Planting Action

Tanggal 28 November diperingati Hari Menanam Pohon Indonesia (HMPI) yang diatur dalam Keputusan Presiden No. 24 tahun 2008. Pundi Sumatra bersama dengan seluruh lapisan masyarakat dan komunitas Suku Anak Dalam (SAD) melakukan penanaman pohon.

Acara ini dilakukan pada 3 Desember 2023 di permukiman komunitas Suku Anak Dalam Desa Pematang Kejumat. Acara aksi tanam pohon tersebut juga menjadi kegiatan inklusif dalam usaha melestarikan alam. Sekaligus memberi manfaat pada masyarakat adat Suku Anak dalam (SAD).

In his speech, the Head of Bathin VIII Subdistrict, Aryo L. Fajrin, invited all levels of society to commit to making positive contributions to the local environment.

“Any social and environmental activities in this environment, I will really support it. We can all contribute as much as possible so that this tree planting event runs well. "The hope is that this action will become an example and can be imitated by the community," said Aryo.

In this activity, the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) Sarolangun Regency was also present to provide education regarding Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (PHBS) and prevention of other infectious diseases. This socialization is one of the activities that Pundi Sumatra always supports with the support of the Estungkara program.

Deni Kurnia as head of PMI Sarolangun headquarters also explained the good impact of planting trees in the living environment. “Parents, fathers, and younger siblings. Planting this tree is good for providing a cool atmosphere around the house. Jambi is a hot area, diseases develop quickly and are dangerous for the body in hot temperatures. "If there are trees, the air temperature will drop, and the body will also feel fresher," explained Deni.

Apart from that, Deni also reminded the participants after taking part in the activity not to forget to clean their hands and feet with running water and soap to avoid other microorganisms.

After participating in a series of opening events, participants together carried out planting around the residential area of SAD residents. The total number of seeds to be planted is around 830 seeds. The types of tree seeds planted are areca nut seeds, mango seeds, jengkol and several forestry plant seeds which were obtained with the support of the Watershed Management Agency (BPDAS) and Trace.in through the Go Green Tree Collective program.

Apart from providing economic value and food sources, this combination can create a balanced ecosystem and have a positive impact on environmental sustainability.

Through this activity, it is hoped that the community can better understand the importance of nature conservation and help protect the remaining natural resources. Apart from that, it is also hoped that the tree planting action will be able to create interaction between participants and the tribal community group Anak Dalam Tribe (SAD), so that it not only creates synergy in protecting the earth but also encourages wider acceptance from the community towards the SAD community.

Arif as the Pundi Sumatra field facilitator hopes that this multi-party collaboration will not stop. Because saving the environment requires a big role from the government and society.

"We are happy that there are still people who want to care and take part in this social action together to save the earth," he said.

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