Indigenous Peoples, Customary Forests and Climate Change

Indonesia, as an archipelagic country, holds invaluable wealth in the form of indigenous peoples and indigenous forests. In the midst of modernization, indigenous peoples remain steadfast in upholding traditions and local wisdom that have been passed down from generation to generation. Indigenous forests are not only the mainstay of indigenous peoples' lives. But they are also the last bastion in facing the increasingly threatening climate change.

In customary forests spread from Sumatra to Papua, indigenous peoples practice various sustainable natural resource management techniques. They have a deep understanding of forest ecosystems. Able to maintain the balance of nature through traditional practices such as field rotation, protection of water catchments, and the use of medicinal plants.

However, climate change caused by human activities has a significant impact on forest ecosystems and the lives of indigenous peoples. Increasingly degraded forests not only reduce nature's ability to absorb carbon. They also threaten the livelihoods and culture of indigenous peoples.

Indigenous peoples in Indonesia have an important role in addressing climate change. Many good forests are located in indigenous areas. The Indigenous Peoples Alliance of the Archipelago (AMAN) identified that of the 57 million hectares of indigenous forest areas, around 40 million hectares are still natural forests. Meanwhile, from the map of indigenous areas covering 6.8 million hectares submitted to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), 65% are still natural forests.

A study of World Resources Institute (WRI) in 2020 revealed that the loss of tropical primary forests in Indonesia reached 324,000 hectares. This has an impact on increasing carbon emissions and major ecological losses. Two reports released in 2021 by WRI and PRISMA Foundation, also reaffirmed how indigenous peoples' land ownership rights can prevent climate change.

The report describes how recognizing indigenous peoples’ land and forest rights can prevent environmental degradation. It can also contribute to climate change. The report highlights that indigenous lands alone contain more than a third of the world’s natural forests. The rest, around 80% of biodiversity exist in the world. Deforestation rates in indigenous territories in the Amazon are two to three times lower than on non-indigenous lands. Similar in several South American countries.

At least half of the world's land and biodiversity lies within the territories of indigenous peoples and local communities. However, only 10% of IPLC land is recognized by the national government. Recent studies show that titling indigenous and African-American lands in several regions of South America reduces deforestation by 10-75%. According to the report, securing land ownership is a cost-effective climate mitigation strategy.

Customary forests are not just green areas, but also symbols of sustainability, resilience, and local wisdom. In facing the global climate crisis, it is time for us all to learn from indigenous peoples. About how to live in harmony with nature and preserve heritage for future generations. The local wisdom they possess is one of the important keys in global efforts to combat climate change and maintain the balance of the earth's ecosystem.

This is reinforced by research that states that the world's indigenous forests store 20% of carbon from the world's tropical forests. The research, released in 2015, states that recognizing and protecting the rights of indigenous peoples can make a major contribution to slowing climate change.

The study maps and quantifies the carbon stored in indigenous territories across the world’s largest remaining stretches of tropical forest. The analysis shows that the carbon stored in indigenous tropical forests in the Amazon Basin, Mesoamerica, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Indonesia is equivalent to 168.3 gigatons of carbon dioxide (GtCO2) – more than three times the greenhouse gases driving global climate change (52.7 GtCO2) in 2014.

This research shows that more than 9% of tropical forests in the Amazon Basin, Mesoamerica, DRC and Indonesia contain 76.4 GtCO2 (equivalent to 1.5 times the world's total greenhouse gas emissions in 2014). These traditional territories are very threatened because they lack legal recognition.

According to the research, protecting tropical forests on indigenous lands from clearing, burning, mining, unsustainable logging and other threats is not only important to prevent CO2 increases but also to maintain other environmental benefits. Forest damage can have direct environmental and health impacts, such as smoke haze from forest fires.

Therefore, the involvement of indigenous communities is very important. Local knowledge and wisdom indigenous peoples have deep traditional knowledge about their surrounding environment, which has been passed down from generation to generation. This knowledge includes proven sustainable forest, land and water management practices. Studies from FAO show that forests managed by indigenous communities often have lower levels of destruction than those managed by other parties.

In addition, indigenous peoples also protect around 80% of the world's biodiversity in their customary territories. According to a report from World Bank, indigenous territories often have higher biodiversity. Not only that, indigenous territories experience less deforestation than other areas. By involving them, we can protect biodiversity that plays an important role in carbon absorption and ecosystem stability.

Indigenous communities implement various sustainable forest management practices, such as crop rotation systems that prevent soil degradation. There is also sustainable use of non-timber forest products. A prominent example is the Dayak community in Kalimantan who use shifting cultivation techniques (shifting cultivation) which takes into account natural cycles to maintain soil fertility and biodiversity.

They also have sophisticated and sustainable water management systems, such as the subak system in Bali which regulates traditional irrigation of rice fields. This helps maintain water reserves and prevent soil erosion, which is critical in mitigating the impacts of climate change.

Not only that, several indigenous communities are also involved in efforts to restore damaged ecosystems. For example, indigenous communities in Papua are involved in mangrove restoration projects to protect coastlines from erosion and increase carbon sequestration.

Report from Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) affirms that the traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples plays a vital role in climate change adaptation and mitigation. By involving them, we can adopt more effective and sustainable strategies.

Study from the Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) also shows that recognizing indigenous peoples’ rights to their customary lands can significantly reduce deforestation and carbon emissions. Countries that recognize these rights show a 10-fold reduction in deforestation compared to those that do not.

For this reason, involving indigenous communities in overcoming climate change not only provides a sustainable solution but is also an important step towards social and ecological justice. With their deep traditional knowledge of environmental management, indigenous peoples are able to make a significant contribution to climate change mitigation and adaptation. Recognition and respect for their rights is key to realizing effective and inclusive climate solutions.

Writer :

Yael Stefany