ICIR Holds International Conference and Consolidation of Traditional Religions

Cross-sectoral Collaboration in Indigenous Religions (ICIR) held an International Conference and Consolidation of Indigenous Religions. This event will be held on 22-24 November 2023 at PUI Javanologi, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta.

ICIR also embraces collaboration with PUI Javanology, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta. Supported by the Oslo Coalition for Freedom of Religion or Belief (University of Norway), the International Center for Law and Religion Studies (Brigham Young University), the Dutch Embassy, Leverhulme Trust & Coventry University, and AMINEF-Fulbright.

The 5th ICIR has the theme "Democracy for Vulnerable Groups." This event is a stage for scholars from various universities in Indonesia and abroad, artists and indigenous communities. "With this theme, the 5th ICIR will critically review the ideas and practices of democracy. "Especially regarding preparations for the 2024 Indonesian general election," said Samsul Maarif, Chair of the Committee.

The main aim of this conference is to facilitate the exchange of experiences and research findings related to vulnerable group issues. The support from various parties, including educational institutions and international institutions, reflects the importance of this topic in academic spaces and daily life practices.

In the context of electoral democracy, the conference highlighted how ceremonial aspects and identity politics dominate. This increases social polarization and makes democracy vulnerable. In fact, electoral democracy tends to marginalize vulnerable groups, reinforcing inequalities in society.

After the success of the theme "Inclusive Democracy" at the 4th ICIR, the 5th ICIR focused more on the voices of vulnerable groups that are rarely heard. Especially citizenship rights, interests and aspirations. “The 5th ICIR is committed to opening up space for followers of traditional religions, traditional communities, religious and gender minority groups. "Also, disability groups, as well as children and youth to express their ideas, insights and experiences regarding democracy," stressed Samsul Maarif.

Writer :

Yael Stefany