Critical Discussion with the Mentawai Traditional Community

YCMM held discussions with marginalized groups in two hamlets in the Mentawai Islands, namely Bekkeiluk and Muntei.

The aim of this activity is to increase the capacity of indigenous communities in the village development planning and budgeting process, foster critical attitudes of indigenous communities and encourage the willingness and ability of marginalized groups to be proactive in fighting for their needs and rights. So that the interests of indigenous communities are accommodated in planning and budgeting in ADD.

This discussion activity is carried out by conducting a joint analysis of the position of society in the structure of a country and what their rights and obligations are.

And a joint formulation was achieved, so that the community organizes every proposal that represents their needs and interests to be encouraged to be included in every stage of the planning process at both the village and district levels.

Writer :

Indra Gunawan