Nemnemleleu Village Government Involves Persons with Disabilities in Drafting Safe Protocols for Women and Children

The Nemnemleleu Village Government involved Disability groups in the activities of preparing the Draft Protocol for Safe Women and Children. This discussion was held on Tuesday, March 21 2023 in Sagitsi Hamlet, Nemnemleleu Village, South Sipora District.

During the discussion, Jhon Sulaiman, a person with disabilities, said that he often received bad treatment when receiving services when dealing with the administration of transfer documents and making family cards from his home village. He said that currently he was happy because the Village Secretary of Nemnemleleu and the Head of West Sagitsi Hamlet had reunited Jhon Sulaiman with his wife Nurbai after being separated from his wife for about 1 year due to a case of sexual harassment experienced by his wife.

Village Secretary Nemnemleleu said that the village government often fails to involve marginalized groups such as people with disabilities, women and children victims of violence in discussion forums.

"Things like this happen not intentionally, therefore safe protocols for children and women and marginalized groups need to be prepared so that they become a policy in the village," added the Village Secretary.

Writer :

Citra Mandiri Mentawai Foundation